13/5/12 第12回 OSI Study Club Conference
特別講演はMichael R. Norton先生を招聘しご講演をいただきました。
講演内容 | Michael R. Norton 先生(Astra World Congress Scientific Committee) 『Clinical Advantage of ASTRA TECH Implant System - short, narrow and profile implant - 』 A great deal of debate has taken place about the need for ever higher insertion torques in implant dentistry in order to maximize primary stability especially when considering the immediate temporization or loading of implants. Much of this has been driven by anecdote, with little evidence to support the concept of new implant designs aimed at achieving very high torques often in excess of 70Ncm. It is well understood that bone is a dynamic vital tissue which responds poorly to over-compression and the buildup of strains within its structure leading to resorption and early intrinsic viscoelastic rebound, which could lead to loss of mechanical stability, before there has been any chance for osseointegration to take a foothold. In this respect it is possible that high insertion torques are contra-indicated when considering early or immediate restoration/loading. By contrast resonance frequency analysis is used to measure axial stiffness and this may be a better representation of primary stability, however much works still needs to be done to understand the relationship between peak insertion torque (PIT), implant stability as measured by resonance frequency (ISQ) and other factors such as bone density, surgical technique and implant design. With regard to implant design, this series of presentations will also focus on the BioManagement ComplexTM and explain how this multivariate complex can help ensure true long-term maintenance of marginal bone, impart clinically appropriate levels of torque, as well as to help the clinician deliver optimal esthetic results in a variety of clinical situations with the aid of Short, Narrow and ProfileTM implants. |
沖縄支部 安里 忍 先生
東京支部 濱 仁隆 先生
名古屋支部 藤城 吉正 先生
〜インプラント、天然歯が混在するa Case of I.O.D.〜」
大阪支部 佐々木 秀典 先生